Catch the “BUG”

There is nothing pretty about Tracy Lett’s emotional drama BUG now being performed on stage at the Allways Theatre. It is a gritty, desperate tale of two people that have severe psychological problems. The main characters issues whether imaginary or real is the core basis of the plot.




Lett’s play premiered off Broadway in 2004 then was made into a film adaption in 2006 with Ashley Judd, Harry Connick Jr. and Michael Shannon in the title roles. All of the action takes place in a seedy motel room, where a lonely waitress played wonderfully by Jennifer Pagan is hiding out from her abusive husband Jerry (Casey Groves). One night she parties with her lesbian friend RC (Andrea Watson) and meets Peter, a veteran of the Gulf War.


Ian Hoch is electrifying as Peter whose paranoid delusions are convincing and at times downright eerie. Pagan owns the role of Agnes as she gradually descends into a state of madness under Pater’s influence. The slow methodical process is both disturbing and enlightening to see how someone under the right set of circumstances can dissolve into insanity under another person’s power.


Pagan and Hoch’s roles are brutally physical to the point of cringe inducing. When the show is over, both the actors and the audience feel like they have just had an emotionally draining workout. Rounding out the cast is James Wright as Dr. Sweet, Peter’s psychiatrist from the hospital.

Kris Shaw does an exceptional job conveying the intensity of the play to the audience in a disturbing, yet exhilarating roller coaster ride. This is an adult show with nudity and violence, so prepare yourself for a powerful night of theatre.


Bug is being performed at the Allways Theatre through August 23, 2014. Times are Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. The Allways Theatre is located at 1030 Marigny Street. For more information go to